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Hey girl, hey! 👋🏽

So, I Heard You Wanna Start a ​Podcast... Grab Your Free ​"Podcast Like a Mother" ​Starter Pack!

Your all-in-one podcast launch kit: plan, promote, and ​publish like a pro (even with kids underfoot)!

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Calling all Mompreneurs!

Look, I know you've been thinking about this podcast thing for a while now. And I ​see you, juggling all the things - the kiddos, your business, maybe sneaking in a ​face mask once in a blue moon (no judgment here, we've all been there).

Adding "podcast host" to your already impressive resume might seem like a bit ​much, right? But here's the thing - I've got your back, friend!

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I've put together this little bundle that's gonna make your podcasting dreams so ​much easier to tackle. Think of it as your podcast starter pack. Here's what you're ​getting:

What’s Inside!

📢 Podcast Promo Guide: Because ​what's the point of pouring your ​heart out if nobody's listening, right?

🎙️ Episode Planning Worksheet: No ​more staring at a blank page ​wondering what the heck to talk ​about.

📝 Launch Checklist: Your "Am I ​ready to do this thing?" list.

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About Shani Allman

As a mompreneur and podcast strategist, ​I've walked the path you're on. I know ​firsthand the challenges of balancing a ​thriving business with family life. My ​passion? Empowering audacious ​mompreneurs like you to amplify your voices ​and scale your businesses without ​sacrificing precious family time.

I believe that every mommy mogul has a ​powerful story to tell and a unique expertise ​to share. Through strategic podcasting and ​business growth strategies, I help you turn ​your voice into a catalyst for success. This ​guide will help you get started and test the ​podcast waters for yourself!